Plymouth Herald: “Fresh allegations made of Derriford Hospital drug blunders”

Plymouth Herald logo - the voice of plymouthToday’s edition of the Plymouth Herald is reporting that, “Claims have emerged of two further drug blunders at Derriford Hospital“, and that, “A campaign group has now been launched by two women who are calling for an inquiry into what they say are “failings” at the city’s main hospital. ‘Cure the NHS Derriford Hospital‘ has been launched by Charmian Hussey and Kim Tremaine. The Herald revealed last week how Mrs Tremaine’s father John Dudding died in Derriford three days after being given a drug to which he was allergic,” adding, “Greg Dix, director of nursing at Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust, which runs Derriford, said the trust was working hard to learn from its mistakes: ‘Mrs Tremaine, who has established the group, and her family were let down by the care we provided to her father because there was a serious drug error. We recognise the distress and upset it has caused and we are extremely sorry for this. When something goes seriously wrong, we try to meet with patients or their families and ask them to contribute to the investigation and work with us, if they so wish, to improve the care we provide and try to prevent future incidents.’”

Rory Smith and Hannah Slade of Enigma Solicitors are representing Mr Dudding’s family in the clinical negligence case and the inquest.

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