Plymouth Herald: “Woman suing Derriford Hospital over dad’s death after drug blunder”

Plymouth Herald cover 24.5.13 The front page of today’s edition of the Plymouth Herald features an article titled “Dad Died After Hospital Drug Blunder“. The article states, “A pensioner died in Derriford Hospital days after he was given a drug to which he was allergic. John Dudding, 80, suffered a massive reaction after being given a penicillin based injection. Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust, which runs Derriford, has admitted the “serious drug error”. Now Mr Dudding’s daughter, Kim Tremaine, 54, from Hartley, is suing Derriford Hospital for clinical negligence.”

Rory Smith, of Enigma Solicitors, who are representing the family, said: “The Dudding family has endured a difficult grieving process. At the same time they are having to fight to uncover the truth. Nobody should have to experience what this family has experienced. Life is precious and the family feel that both they and Mr Dudding were abandoned at their time of need. The case raises issues which the family believes are of wider public concern regarding the standards of care being provided.”

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